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Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Slow Life Sostenibilidad e Inclusión

Take advantage of the summer to be more sustainable

El verano es la temporada ideal para adoptar prácticas sostenibles y cuidar del medio ambiente. Aprovecha el verano para ser más sostenible: Descubre cómo disfrutar del verano de manera sostenible y equilibrada con Safire!

The Importance of Being Sustainable in Summer

Summer is a season when many people take the opportunity to rest, enjoy the good weather, and spend time outdoors. However, it is also a perfect opportunity to take actions for the environment and become agents of change. In this article, we will provide you with useful tips to make the most of summer and be more sustainable.

Opt for Sustainable Tourism

During the summer, it is common for us to plan trips and getaways. And after the pandemic, this summer is shaping up to be one of the busiest in recent years: people need to move, travel, spend... Oops! That is not always good because the impulse does not allow us to reflect on what is best for us.

And although making mistakes is human (and necessary to improve), if you want to be more sustainable, choose destinations that promote responsible tourism. Look for places that respect the natural environment, promote biodiversity conservation, and support local communities. And in that regard, as you can imagine, the Nordic countries take the first prize.

But really, is it necessary to travel so far? Certainly not, especially if you want to promote local commerce. And in that sense, Spain is the ideal country for short trips and highly recommended.

Reduce Energy Consumption

Excessive energy use contributes to global warming and, especially, excessive consumption of fossil fuels. In summer, we can take measures to reduce our consumption. Turn off appliances that you are not using, use energy-efficient light bulbs, and take advantage of natural light instead of artificial lights during the day.

These small tips are something we should have incorporated a long time ago (although it is never too late to start). So, to achieve effective measures, we must act more decisively and choose destinations and means of transport that are less polluting: trains, planes, electric or hybrid cars, but also accommodations that guarantee responsible consumption, whether in energy sources, food (you would be amazed to know how many hotels have already joined the trend of eco Km 0 products) and even proposals for sustainable and inclusive tourism.

Save Water

Water is a vital resource, and in summer, its demand increases considerably. To be more sustainable, we can implement water-saving practices. When showering, try to use less time and turn off the tap while you soap. You can also reuse washing machine water to water the plants. In this article, you can learn how to economize water and other sustainable techniques to care for your garden and outdoor spaces without harming the environment and learn to take advantage of the natural resources in your environment.

Use Sustainable Transportation

Using eco-friendly transportation should not be something you do only during your trips. The general trend for many people is to use more sustainable options like bicycles or public transport. This way, you will reduce the emission of polluting gases and contribute to the reduction of traffic and traffic congestion... Besides, you will get some exercise and make sure you won't be late for work.

Choose Local and Seasonal Foods

In summer, markets are filled with delicious seasonal fruits and vegetables. Opt for consuming local foods as their production and transportation generate fewer carbon emissions. Additionally, you will support farmers in your region and enjoy fresh and tasty products. But not only that: the local products you choose are part of the economic fabric in which you also participate, so your purchases and consumption will benefit you as well.

If you want tips on how to choose the most suitable fresh products at the best price, forget about social networks, go out and interact: let yourself be advised by your neighborhood fruit shop, they will know how to advise you better than anyone.

Reduce the Use of Disposable Plastics

Disposable plastics represent a significant threat to the environment, and although we may not know it, many of them should not be used as they are legally banned. In summer, it is common to use disposable cups, plates, and cutlery during outdoor gatherings. To be more sustainable, use reusable utensils and carry a refillable water bottle instead of buying plastic bottles. Besides, you will save a lot, as bottled water is one of the most expensive essential products.

Did you know that the average price of a 300 ml water bottle in Europe can reach €1.5? And if you want to buy it at a bar, the price can exceed five euros... Carrying it from home or the hotel is a significant idea, isn't it?

Recycle and Reuse

Summer is a good time to review our recycling habits. Make sure to separate waste correctly and deposit it in the corresponding containers. Also, consider reusing objects instead of throwing them away, giving them a second life and thus reducing waste generation. Also, avoid wasting food, as it is one of our worst problems: can you imagine thousands of rich foods in which time, money, water, and energy have been invested, ending up discarded simply due to a lack of consumers... Double failure.

This is happening. And we cannot afford to waste food. The only way to stop it is if we all (businesses and consumers) practice more responsible consumption. Because, as we often forget, if there is no demand, there are no surpluses. And as consumers, don't forget that we have the great power to change what we don't like with a simple gesture: not buying.

So, everything, once again, starts with a pencil: the shopping list will prevent waste, impulse buying, and excessive spending on things we don't even need in the fridge.

Consume Responsibly at the Beach

If you plan to enjoy the beach in summer, it is essential to adopt responsible practices, also with your pet. Do not leave trash on the sand, use biodegradable sunscreen, respect the rules of the natural reserve where you may be, and avoid activities that may harm marine ecosystems. Yes, dogs can only access beaches designated for them, but let's not forget that you are still responsible for picking up their waste and avoiding them from digging holes or creating small natural disasters in the flora of the area.

Bringing your pet to the beach should not and cannot be a reason for discord: you should not try to access unauthorized beaches thinking that no one will say anything because with this attitude, we break the well-being of other swimmers, whom we neither know nor know anything about their circumstances. We recommend that you always think positively and inclusively so that the use of public areas is a good experience for everyone.

Not all beaches have water showers, let alone public restrooms. These great treasures must be treated with respect and used appropriately; they are for everyone and belong to everyone.

Promote Environmental Awareness

One effective way to be more sustainable is by promoting environmental awareness in our surroundings. Share with friends and family the benefits of adopting sustainable practices, invite them to participate in environmental actions, and be a role model. Summer feasts are ideal for this, with exercises such as batch cooking and food containers, you are guaranteed to succeed.

Don't know what to do with the uneaten fruit? Smoothies, shakes, cakes, ice creams, cocktails... And if you have more time, make jams. The possibilities are endless.

Taking advantage of the summer to be more sustainable is a smart decision that benefits both the planet and ourselves. Enjoy green spaces, dedicate time to relaxing activities, and find moments of tranquility at home. The slow life will allow you to fully enjoy summer while taking care of yourself and the planet. Through simple yet significant actions, we can make a difference and contribute to building a more balanced, nature-respecting, sustainable, and inclusive world. Something that reflects in our relationships and work because, in the end, we all pursue the same goal: a better planet where everyone has their space.