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Do you have the energy certificate for your property in Spain?

Do you have the energy certificate for your property? The energy certificate is mandatory for the sale of your house in Spain: We explain what the energy certificate is, what it is for and how to obtain it, because the electricity bill is less, and you earn, and more, selling your home.

Although the good weather encourages turning off the radiators, the electricity bill remains at all-time highs. But have you ever thought that the actual consumption of light is not the only cause of the price you pay? It is not enough to put the washing machines at twelve at night. The actual energy consumption of your actual home also depends on factors such as the quality of the openings in the home or the structure of the building itself. And this detail is not specified in your invoice. And it is necessary to fix it if what you want is to put your property up for sale at a good price. I eat? For that, in Spain there is the already famous energy certificate. We tell you what it consists of.

The energy certificate is mandatory for the sale of your house in Spain

If you were not going to sell your property, the price you pay on the bill would be a particular issue to review with your electric company. But... If your electricity bills burn, you will have a very difficult time selling your property. And not only when you have to justify the price to your potential buyer. The price of the bill you pay is directly related to the energy quality of your home. It happens to you and it will happen to your buyer, but there are ways to fix it. But not to hide it: as a seller in Spain you are obliged to have the so-called energy registry.

What is the energy certificate?

Search it. Surely you have. The energy certificate is a document issued by a nationally certified technician. This professional works based on a detailed study of your home and expresses your annual energy consumption under normal operating and occupancy conditions. And based on this calculation, the technician qualifies it energetically with one letter or another from A to G, with A being the most efficient and G the least.

The rating is measured in two values: Energy consumption, expressed in kWh/m2 year and CO₂ emissions, expressed in kg CO₂/m2 year, thus obtaining the carbon footprint that you leave on the planet to obtain "standard" comfort levels. ". When you see it you will realize that no, it is not enough to put the washing machine on at midnight...

Can the energy certificate be improved?

Of course, and you should improve it if you want to sell your property at the best price. The calculation of the certificate can be more or less detailed as requested or requested by the technician in charge. It provides you with data on the production of hot water, heating, lighting, refrigeration or ventilation, but also based on the enclosures, carpentry, air conditioning systems... You are getting it, right? If you improve that window that does not close and you decide once and for all with double glazing, it is very possible that you will improve your certification.

And in fact, the recommendations are provided for in the delivery of the energy certificate. A whole stimulus to invest in improvements that will affect the sale price of your property.

Once the energy certificate is delivered to you and you assess the investment in improvements that you could make if you want to upgrade, you must register it with the competent body of your Autonomous Community. Subsequently, the energy efficiency label necessary for the commercialization of the home will be generated, where the data that we have told you will appear and the famous letters that will provide a quality plus in the sight of your buyers.

       Once the certificate is registered, it becomes valid and the energy label that is delivered to the owner is issued. This registration is mandatory to rent or sell a property and this is stipulated by Royal Decree 390/2021, of June 1.

Why is this certificate so important now?

It is true that the energy certificate is not a new document. And given the regional nature of its registration, it is a procedure that is still being regulated at the national level. However, the climate emergency and the growing involvement of governments in reducing urban pollution levels have had a great impact in giving this document the importance it deserves. And now it is no longer a letter that nobody knows what it means.

We must not forget that in Spain the reduction of CO₂ levels is included in the global European framework of the 2030 agenda promoted by the central government a couple of years ago to achieve a minimum of sustainable development. And that includes promoting measures that contribute to sustainable urban growth that is more respectful of the environment.

In addition, it is mandatory to have the energy certificate to proceed with the commercialization of your property. And although this still varies depending on the autonomous community, at a general level

The first to request it are already the notaries. And everything points to the fact that soon, the sale of residential real estate will not even be possible without meeting the minimum energy efficiency requirements in the certificate.

Renewing the energy certificate is also an ideal opportunity to contribute to the investment of this type of real estate assets: can you imagine what you can earn with a reform project that optimizes your property for residential rental? Not to mention the growing aid for the implementation of solar panels in buildings. Do not hesitate to inform yourself with Safire Real Estate before starting your sale, there are many options that you may not even consider.

What should you know before contacting the technician to issue the energy certificate?

As in everything, certifying experts are not exempt from unfair competition or false professionals. There is an official registry of certified professionals by municipalities where you can choose the professional that may suit you due to distance or time. This professional will not be able to guarantee you any letter before beginning the study, nor will he be able to tell you that he does it without seeing your home. So beware of fake professionals!

The energy certificate is positioned more and more as an incentive to take into account for the buyer of second-hand homes

And it must be a real reference of the sale price that the owner estimates when contacting the real estate agency that will manage the sale. This process, including reform advice, is consulted and discussed with your Safire Real Estate agent to help you optimize the energy efficiency of your home. We recommend that you give the technician the plan of the house and the project of the house, if you have one, since the more curated the study can be, the better and more effective the improvement proposals will be and the more adjusted to valuation.

And don't forget, the certificate expires ten years after its issuance. Have you found it yet?

If what you have decided is to put your property up for sale with Safire Real Estate. If you are willing to take this step and want to invest a minimum in improvements that will affect the price of your property, congratulations. Because by getting involved in energy improvement you will reduce your carbon footprint, the degree of pollution that you are leaving on the planet. Do we put our hands to efficiency?