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Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Safire Real Estate Vendors Home staging

What is home staging and its importance in real estate buying and selling

Adapting your home to put it up for sale (whether you live in it or not) is not just about making it pretty and cleaning the windows. In the first ninety seconds of your visit, the potential buyer already has a more or less final decision about his act: either he doesn't like it or he is interested in continuing to see it. You can change that, but for this you must first be aware of what home staging is and its importance in real estate buying and selling.

We all have in mind the living room of our acquaintances: with all their visible belongings, their clothes, their photos... But is that really what your potential buyer wants to see when looking for their own home? In this case, the visit with the real estate agent becomes something like visiting a friend's house. But a buyer is not a friend, he is a stranger whom you have to conquer by showing him the house as it is, without noticing your presence. Because when we notice that something belongs to another... We feel out of place. And your buyer must feel in their place if you want that house to be yours in a few days.

And does it seem to you that your house is now "as it is"? Perhaps you begin to understand the essence of home staging.

Are you really ready to sell your house as it is?

Now that you know what home staging is and its importance in real estate buying and selling. It's not just about making your home pretty. It is about adapting it to the needs of customers, those who will be there visited and assessing whether it is a correct purchase option. And before, they must have established a first contact with you.

Because home staging is the number one step to make your photo book perfect. To bring visibility to your property. And so that you facilitate the task of your sales agent. At Safire Real Estate we strongly recommend applying home staging to your property, we make a photographic book adapted to your needs and the expectations of your potential public to get the best visits. Visitors who will already know that no surprises await them at their appointment, but quality. They will come willing to be impressed. Find out with us how to make an adequate photographic report and we will start working on the sale of your house!

And what is home staging?

Summarized in a few words, home staging is nothing less than preparing your home for sale. That is, for your potential buyers. Because yes, the interior design reforms, color of the walls, bathrooms... That is a matter of the next owner of your current house. But what is your goal when you allocate a home for real estate purchase? The important thing is that you try to sell at the best price, and that is also achieved in part, thanks to home staging.

The reason? Well, because home staging revalues the architecture and spaces of your home, what perhaps without realizing it over the years you have been forgetting, hiding, and which is precisely the best thing you have to offer. And with home staging, these true capabilities and strong points that make your home a unique place are once again apparent and perhaps a crush will occur.

And why is home staging so important to sell your home?

As we have said, the first 90 seconds of your visit with the real estate agent are decisive. And it is proven that home staging works: 75% of homes that apply this technique receive more visits than those that do not practice it. Thus, the appraisal value of your home is increased favorably, achieving a 37% higher price in the sale of your home. And as if that were not enough, they manage to sell the house in less than two months.

It is evident that home staging becomes one of the pillars of the negotiations between your real estate agent and your potential clients. But there is still more.

Selling your property exclusively with Safire Real Estate will bring visibility to your home staging actions

At Safire Real Estate we know the importance of the image on social media. And especially, the great visibility that a good image provides in the digital channels of diffusion of your property. For this reason, among our services to owners, we offer a quality photographic book focused on the home and its potential buyers. Real estate portals, on our own website and in our Social Media marketing strategy, we work above all with images. Emotions. Options. And we are fully aware that the impact of the first image on your property listing will be the one that will generate the final click. More than enough reasons to try it, right?

Home staging focuses your home's attention on what is really important to your potential buyer: the architecture, distribution and enhancement of your home! Home staging is not decoration or interior design review. Sometimes it will not even be necessary an economic investment to apply it. And the main objective of home staging is for your property to stand out from the rest. That photo, that cover photo of your listing on the real estate portal, especially if your apartment or house is a new construction for sale and is currently unfurnished... It is that image that will get a click. And if we take into account that 95% of users who search for their home do so first on the internet, we are giving you enough reasons to convince you.

But if you want more reasons to apply Home Staging, you should know that 81% of owners with rental homes who have applied home staging techniques to gain visibility manage to rent their property in less than 15 days, almost 40% have managed to increase the value of your home. And more than 70% have achieved the sale of their property in less than two months. And because?

Home staging makes you lose subjectivity and you can appreciate your home objectively, connecting with your clients, their concerns, tastes, preferences and expectations. And if you manage to connect with them, you are attracting them to you to later develop your entire sales strategy. And we are talking about investment, yes, because sometimes it is not enough to change some curtains. It is about cleaning, rearranging, depersonalizing, setting... Preparing your house for an initial assessment and you will realize the endless improvement options that your home offers. And you without realizing it right?

Are you really ready to sell your house as it is?

Now that you know what home staging is and its importance in real estate buying and selling. It's not just about making your home pretty. It is about adapting it to the needs of customers, those who will be there visited and assessing whether it is a correct purchase option. And before, they must have established a first contact with you.

Because home staging is the number one step to make your photo book perfect. To bring visibility to your property. And so that you facilitate the task of your sales agent. At Safire Real Estate we strongly recommend applying home staging to your property, we make a photographic book adapted to your needs and the expectations of your potential public to get the best visits. Visitors who will already know that no surprises await them at their appointment, but quality. They will come willing to be impressed. Find out with us how to make an adequate photographic report and we will start working on the sale of your house!